Thursday, November 1, 2012

Looking Back

I wanted to do a little update on "looking back" at our first IVF. It still doesn't seem real we did IVF! I know it didn't work but we tried, we had hope, we beleived in God and are accepting that it wasn't our time. The first couple weeks I could start crying just thinking about it but I am doing MUCH better now. I will admit that first week or so after we found out we weren't pregnant I was kinda angry with God. We have been through so much and I just didn't understand. It has only been a little over a month since they transfered our little embryo but during that time I feel like I have grown through all this. I whole heartedly believe in His plan!! And can't wait till that day!

My body has been through so much and my poor ovaries have probably been stimulated a little too much this past year. We are going to take a break and sometime next year we will transfer the only two little embryos we have left. We still talk about adoption and I think we always will even if we get pregnant (hopefully:))

We talked to Dr. J about when we are ready on what we need to do. He told us about it and from the sounds of it when they do a FET (frozen embryo transfer) it is going to be like a walk in the park compared to IVF. I was surprised about how much less we will have to do. So we were both happy about that:) I did bring up to Dr. J about getting a little discouraged about this IVF not working with such a great looking embryo. Wondering if something else could be wrong, but he had no worries. He gave us some options and told us we still have two very good embryos. Which is reassuring! So....until our time I probably won't bring much "baby" stuff up. 

I do have some pictures looking back at our IVF. And in my next post I will post some pictures from a vacay we took to the OBX (Outerbanks). It was a much needed vacay and we had so much fun!!!!! We left just in time before Sandy got there. And through all of this I did make a change at work. I felt like a change was for the best and I am looking forward to being able to do more with family and friends on the week-end:) I still work on the same unit but changed my position and I DON'T have to work every other week-end 12 hours shifts!!!!!! 5 years since I have been able to say that!! Woo hoo.....happy girl here. hehe

Before surgery. I don't look nervous but I was! My heart rate is normally in the 60's and it was in the 90-100 range.

After surgery. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. You can tell I had a little medication in me.

 This was while I was on bedrest. A picture with the embryo in me.

And this was the night I had to go out in the car to take my trigger shot. I thought this was going to be my last time having a drink in 9 months:(

The guy's

With the one I love the most!!!!!


Erica said...

I love the OBX! Best vacation post Ive been to thus far. So glad you could get away and have some fun. Changes at work can do wonders! I totally believe that. As nurses we need a change of shifts/days at times. So glad to hear an update from you, I pray and think about you all the time.

Hoping for our own Peanut said...

Im so sorry your IVF didnt work out, but you are so positive about it. FET's are a walk in the park. SO, so easy. Feel free to email me if you have any specific questions. I have done 3 FET's.