Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How was Jamaica

So if you were wondering how Jamaica was? It was great and we had an a amzing time! I am so happy there where NO hurricanes (whew) because it was a close call. Big Bill could have caused some major damage if it wouldn't have moved up. All together I am glad Bill didn't hit land. I didn't post anything about our trip b/c we didn't book anything until a week before we left. I did that on purpose b/c I wanted to make sure no Hurricanes were headed towards Jamaica. Even though the next day after I booked they started talking about Hurricane Bill, What? It was okay though!

So we left EARLY saturday morning at 2!! Hey we wanted to get to the beach early and the plane was leaving Indy at 5:30 am. We made it early since I can never sleep very well anyways before we leave on a vacay b/c I am so excited. Does that happen to anyone else? So when I woke up I wasn't that tired and Jarod seemed pretty awake also. The place did get delayed an hour and we made it to Jamaica by 11:30. By the time we got our luggage and the travel (2 hour drive) to the resort we were finally at our "home" at 2:15. During the drive we did get to see a lot of Jamaica and learn a few things. The day we got there we didn't do much. We did eat as soon as we got there since we were starving and grabbed some jerk chicken and jerk hamburgers. What Jamaica is known for!

Sunday we went to Dunn's River Falls at 9 am. This waterfall starts on the beach and you climb up it until you reach the top. I don't have any pictures since they are still on my water camera. The water is cold at first but they pretty much make you get under the water right in the begining. Burr!! After that it feels great and the tour guides are a lot of fun. Always had us doing something. And the neat thing is that everyone has to be holding hands while climbing b/c it provides everyone with support. Great team work! One lady was ready to be done with it though b/c it can be a little dangerous and she was having a hard time. It took us about an hour to do the climb and by the time we got back to the resort we were thirsty and hungry. We got some drinks, laid out, went on a water bike or whatever you call it and then ate lunch. Throughout the week in between excursions, eating, and laying out we played a lot of ping pong, pool, exploring and doing different activities they provided.

Monday we did pretty much what I had talked about until another excursion at 3:30. It was a 2 hour Catamaran cruise. I was kinda ify about it at first b/c I get a little sea sick sometimes. But I thought it would be fun and it was free. Jarod didn't care if went or not and so we just decided to go. Bad idea. I got really sea sick. The worst I had ever been. I don't know what happened but after about 15 minutes I told Jarod.....I need a bucket. I went to the lower deck of the boat where I didn't have to look at the water that seemed to be making me even more sick the longer I looked at it. yuck! I never did throw up but did dry heave (spelling?) a couple times but felt like I could have thrown up the ENTIRE time. When we stopped to cool down I jumped in the water and that helped but I still didn't feel right. So off we went again on our way to the resort and the nausea was hitting me hard. I was so thankful to get off that stinken boat. Such relief and after 20 minutes I was back to normal. I was glad this couple gave me some did help. The ice chips didn't. Now I know what it really feels like to be sea sick. I hope pregnant mommy's don't feel that bad when they have nausea:(

Tuesday we went horse back riding at 8:15. We were early risers....waking up around 6:30 every morning. It was so much fun and got to see some of the beautiful mountains. When they were choosing the horses they gave me sweet boy. I was like, this should be a good one. alright! Well I don't know where he got his name from or why but he was a biter and a kicker. Everytime the tour guide would pass sweet boy would bite at the horses butt. Occasionally he would bite at the horses butt in front of us too. Overall, It wasn't too bad but I was holding on tight just in case. Another time he tried to back kick Jarod's horse that was behind me. Jarod's horse seemed pretty calm and just followed behind me the entire time. It was nice seeing all the scenery and the river there was actually a turquise blue color.

Wednesday we didn't have anything planned and did whatever that day. Thursday was our last day and we left after lunch around 12:15. Kinda sad but I cherished every minute of it! I am so thankful Jarod and I can go see different places like these. I love to see what is out there and to meet so many different people. It is amazing what we have here on earth!

Sorry it was kinda long. Just wanted to let you know what we did and if you ever want to go to Jamaica you can ask me anything! Take care and back in routine in good ol Indiana!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Jamaica Mon

I just posted some pictures from our vacation in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. I will explain more about our vacay another time. Until then I hope you like the pictures:)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Work It

The title of this post is dedicated to the first picture on this post. This past saturday during our yard sale the kids WERE inside watching a movie but when we went to check on them....this is what we found! The boys were workin it in the weight room. haha. This cracked me up!!! I like how Dru and Aidan are on both sides trying to push the bar up. I guess they wanted to try something new!

About the yard sale. We had a good turn out and sold around 60% of the stuff....not too bad. I told Shauna if I knew I was ever going to have a little boy I would have bought a lot of things. She had a ton of cute boy clothes. I should have just bought some anyways...nothing but boys in the family. haha. After the yard sale we went to Lindsey and Ryan's pool party which was a lot of fun. Just wish the sun would have been out more:( Got to spend some good times with friends! On sunday we went to church, played tennis, took a 4-wheeler ride and went to the campgrounds for a birthday party. This week we haven't been too busy but we did enjoy the great weather yesterday. And it looks like today is going to be the same!!

Last week Jarod's cousins were visiting from Florida and we got to visit with them a few times. Jarod was teaching them his master fishing skills using a.....Hot Dog! Fish love hot dogs!

And they caught a fish!! The kids were smiling from ear to ear.

A picture with Jarod's two younger brothers. They are a lot fun! Aidan doens't look thrilled about taking a picture.